Why am I having trouble signing up?

Sorry for the trouble! You can use the suggestions below to solve the issue.

  • Is all of your information entered correctly? Look back at the form and make sure that every field is entered correctly and that there is no space left empty.
  • Did you enter your zip code in both the shipping and billing sections? There should be entry that appears inside the credit card box that says "Postcode". If that entry is not appearing, try erasing your credit card number and enter the number again. The box should automatically appear after entering the number. Then you can enter your ZIP code or Postal Code inside that box.
  • Which web browser or browser mode are you using? Please only use Chrome, Safari, or Firefox to log in to our site. Our login system is not compatible with Internet Explorer or privacy browsers such as Brave, DuckDuckGo, or private browsing modes such as incognito.

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