How do I cancel my Word on Fire Institute subscription?

As we don’t have contracts, you are free to cancel on your own terms.

Feel free to call us at (866) 928-1237 ext. 2 or email us to cancel or follow the steps below.

1) Select “My Orders” to bring up your subscription details

2) Click on "Details" next to your active subscription

3) On the details page, click on “Cancel Subscription”

Please note:

You will then be able to finish out the remainder of the time allotted to your subscription PLUS an extra 10 days. This 10 days is a buffer because of the system limitations of preserving course progress data and your posts. IF YOU CANCEL, all of this data will be DELETED. As long as you reactivate before your account is fully closed, you will be able to retain the information. Otherwise, when you re-subscribe in the future, you will be starting from scratch!

Contact our Customer Relations team for any questions or further assistance Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm CT at (866) 928-1237 ext. 2 or email us at

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